Deanna Wehrspann
May Your Voice Be At Peace (Ecclesiastes/Ivan Fuller/D. Wehrspann text) for SATB choir, with string
quartet arranged by Eleanor May-Patterson, selected for Washington High School Alumni Choir 1975-
1991, Dione Peterson Belling, director, Washington Pavilion, Sioux Falls, SD, August 4, 2024
Blest Be The Tie That Binds (John Fawcett text) for SATB choir, premiere by University of Sioux Falls (SD)
Singing Camerata, David DeHoogh-Kliewer, director, March 23, 2024
I Have Been a Seeker (Rumi text) for SATB choir and piano, commissioned by MOC-Floyd Valley HS
Concert Choir, Orange City, IA, Travis Balt, director, premiere March 7, 2024
Swirling Squirrels for clarinet and piano, written for Luis Viquez and the University of South Dakota
clarinet studio, premieres by Luis Viquez and David Gilliland, University of Rhode Island, September 8,
2023 and Jadyn Baumann and Deanna Wehrspann, University of South Dakota, October 24, 2023
Im Grase (Annette von Droste-Hülshoff text) for voice and piano, premiere by Lauren Paul, University of
South Dakota, February 10, 2023
Dixit Maria (Luke 1:38 text) for SSA choir, performed by U. of Sioux Falls Treble Choir, Sioux Falls, SD, David DeHoogh-Kliewer, director, March 19, 2022
Mourning Dove for string orchestra and piano, premiere by U. of South Dakota Orchestra, Rebecca Kelley, piano soloist; Luis Viquez, conductor, Vermillion, March 4, 2022
Das Verlassene Mägdlein (Edward Möricke text) for voice and piano, premiere by Ellen Osborn, Sioux City, IA, September 19, 2021 and at South Dakota New Music Festival, Vermillion, October 20, 2021
Hearing God's Summons (John Bowring, Justin Kosec, Deanna Wehrspann text) for SATB and piano, commissioned by Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls, SD, for their 75th Anniversary, Gene LeVasseur, director, premiere October 31, 2021
Composer-in-Residence, Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts, Nebraska City, NE, September 6-24, 2021
When We Leave (Ivan Fuller text) for voice and piano, published in Modern Music for New Singers: 21st Century American Art Songs, Baritone-Vol. II by North Star Music, LLC, Fall 2021
Quirk for flex orchestra, written for the University of South Dakota Symphony Orchestra, Vermillion, Luis Viquez, conductor, premiere November 23, 2020
Our Hearts are Burning (Justin Kosec text, based on Luke 24:13-35) for SATB and piano, written for the South Dakota ELCA Synod Day, Sioux Falls, SD, premiere November 7, 2020
Alleluia, Praise the Lord (psalmody texts) for SATB and piano, written for University of Sioux Falls Collegiate Choir, David DeHoogh-Kliewer, director; and Our Savior's Lutheran Church Choir, Sioux Falls, SD, Gene LeVasseur, director. Premieres October 4, 2020 and November 1, 2020
O Gracious Light (Phos Hilaron, Greek hymn text, Eng. trans.) for SATB and piano, commissioned by Del Hubers in celebration of 35 years of Music Ministry, 2020. Premiere TBA.
Chickens! for SATB and piano, commissioned by Gehlen Catholic Concert Choir, Le Mars, IA, Terra Falkena, director, with support from the Conover Foundation, 2020. Premiere TBA
Sing a New Song (Ps. 96:1; 98-4-6 text) for SATB and cello, commissioned by SD ACDA, Two Rivers Chorale (Mpls/St. Paul), and Kadlec Commissioning Fund in honor of Alan Stanga, premiere by South Dakota All State High School Honor Choir, Augustana University, Sioux Falls, SD, Timothy Sawyer, conductor, August 2, 2019
If You Continue in My Word (John 8:31-32, Martin Luther text) for SATB choir, organ, and brass quartet, performed for SD ELCA Synod Assembly, Sioux Falls, SD, directed by Gene LeVasseur, May 31, 2019
Music for Nadia, incidental piano music for “In Every Note,” Ivan Fuller, playwright, premiere at Rider University, Lawrenceville, NJ, April 10-14, 2019
Breath for string orchestra, performed by the South Dakota Middle School All-State Orchestra, directed by Bethany Amundson, Mitchell, SD, February 23, 2019
Arise, My Love, My Fair One (Song of Solomon 2:10b-14 text) for voice and piano, premiere by Brandon Record, University of Sioux Falls, SD, January 13, 2019
O God, You Have Called Your Servants (text from a liturgical prayer) for SATB a cappella choir, performed by University of Sioux Falls Concert Chorale, directed by David DeHoogh-Kliewer, through the school year and midwest tour, 2018-19
Sleeping Beauty (Ivan Fuller text) for voice and piano, performed by Hannah Lambertz, Setnor School of Music, Syracuse, NY, April 14, 2019; and Alyssa Toepfer, Ottawa University, Ottawa, KS, November 18, 2018
In Deepest Night (Susan Cherwien text), congregational hymn with keyboard and trumpet obbligato, sung at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls, SD, throughout Advent, December 2018
Dixit Maria (Luke 1:38 text) for SSA choir, commissioned by Women's Triple Trio, Gehlen Catholic School, LeMars, IA, Terra Falkena, director, fall 2018
A Simple Love (Ivan Fuller text), for SATB a cappella choir, performed by Singers in Accord, directed by Sigrid Johnson, Minneapolis and Edina, MN, May 5-6, 2018
We Have Peace with God (text Rom. 5:1-5) for voice and string quartet, premiere by Marlise Ahuna, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, March 16, 2018
A Simple Love (Ivan Fuller text) for SATB a cappella choir, commissioned by Beau Chant, directed by Dione Peterson Belling, premiere at MN-ACDA, Mahtomedi, MN, November 18, 2017
If You Continue in My Word (John 8:31-32, Martin Luther text) for SATB choir, organ, and brass quartet, commission and premiere by Our Savior’s Lutheran Church musicians, directed by Gene LeVasseur, Sioux Falls, SD, in commemoration of 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, October 29, 2017
Breath for string orchestra, performed by the U. of South Dakota Orchestra, directed by Luis Viquez Cordoba, Vermillion, October 20, 2017
O God, You Have Called Your Servants (text from a liturgical prayer) for SATB a cappella choir, premiere at inauguration of Brett Bradfield as President of U. of Sioux Falls, SD, by USF Concert Chorale, directed by David DeHoogh-Kliewer, September 7, 2017
Hope Is the Thing with Feathers (Emily Dickinson text) for two-part voices and piano, published by Choristers Guild Sing! (CGE159) edited by Mary Lynn Lightfoot, March 2017. Listen and available here.
Sleeping Beauty (Ivan Fuller text) for voice and piano, premiere by Dana Carlson, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, February 18, 2017
Be Still and Know that I am God (Psalm 46 text) for mezzo-soprano and organ, as performed by Tracelyn Gesteland and Wyatt Smith on their Fall 2016 recording, "Make a Joyful Noise" on the Raven label here.
God's Marvel (Ivan Fuller text, inspired by 1 Cor. 6:19) for SSAATTBB choir, commissioned by University of Sioux Falls for its celebration of 100 years of choral singing, Sioux Falls, SD, weekend of October 7-9, 2016
Stå opp, Guds menighet (Wallin/Landstad/Wehrspann text), premiere by Norwegian Singers Association of America at their national Sangerfest, Sioux Falls, SD,
June 11, 2016
Awake in Me (Olga Berggolts text, Ivan Fuller translation) song cycle in nine movements for voice and piano, lecture-recital and premiere by Katie Pacza, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, April 23, 2016
Deep, Deep Rest (Kathryn Timpany text) for voice, alto saxophone, and piano, premiere by Jerry Holbrook III, Shelby Wohlmuth, and Spencer Smith, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD, April 12, 2016
Hear me, Lord, in my Distress (Psalm 6 and Romans 8 text) for SSATBB choir and organ, premiere by Our Savior's Lutheran Choir, directed by Gene LeVasseur, Sioux Falls, SD, March 13, 2016
The Red Bird of Winter (Ivan Fuller text) for SATB choir and piano, commissioned by Robyn Holcomb and the Roosevelt High School Concert Choir, Sioux Falls, SD, premiere at North Central American Choral Directors Association conference, Sioux Falls, SD, February 20, 2016
At the Edge of the Pond (Ivan Fuller text) for SSA choir and piano, commissioned by North Central American Choral Directors Association for performance by the Elementary Honor Choir at their 2016 conference, Sioux Falls, SD, February 20, 2016
South Dakota High School Honor Choir accompanist, Lynda Hasseler, director, University of Sioux Falls
(SD), July 28-August 2, 2024
Cantabile workshop for church musicians, accompanist for guest clinician Mary Kay Geston, Mount
Carmel Ministries, Alexandria, MN, June 6-9, 2024
Augustana University Alumni Achievement Award, Sioux Falls, SD, September 23, 2023
South Dakota High School Honor Choir accompanist, Jeff Johnson, director, Augustana University, Sioux
Falls, SD, July 30-August 4, 2023
Cantabile workshop for church musicians, accompanist for guest clinician Michael Culloton, Mount
Carmel Ministries, Alexandria, MN, June 8-11, 2023
Fairytale Opera in the Parks Presents “Goose Girl” pianist, McKennan Park Bandshell, Sioux Falls, SD, June 23 and 24, 2022
Cantabile workshop for church musicians, accompanist for guest clinician Andrew Last, Mount Carmel Ministries, Alexandria, MN, June 9-12, 2022
Fairytale Opera in the Parks Presents "Goldie B. Locks and the Three Singing Bears" pianist, McKennan Park Bandshell, Sioux Falls, SD, June 24-25, 2021
South Dakota High School Activities Association Distinguished Service Award, received November 2, 2019
South Dakota All-State Chorus principal accompanist, Andrew Last, director, Sioux Falls, SD, November 1-2, 2019
South Dakota High School Honor Choir accompanist, Timothy Sawyer, director, Augustana University, Sioux Falls, SD, July 28-August 2, 2019
Fairytale Opera in the Parks Presents “The Three Little Pigs” pianist, McKennan Park Bandshell, Sioux Falls, SD, June 20-21, 2019
Cantabile workshop for church musicians, accompanist for guest clinician Gary Walth, Mount Carmel Ministries, Alexandria, MN, June 13-16, 2019
Grammy-nominated South Dakota Chorale “Rachmaninoff All-Night Vigil” presented at Cathedral of the Epiphany, Sioux City, IA and Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Sioux Falls, SD, January 11-12, 2019
South Dakota High School Honor Choir accompanist, Judith Herrington, director, University of Sioux Falls, SD, July 29-August 3, 2018
Fairytale Opera in the Parks Presents "The Bremen Town Musicians" pianist, McKennan Park Bandshell, Sioux Falls, SD, June 21 & 22, 2018
Cantabile workshop for church musicians, accompanist for guest clinician Dwight Jilek, Mount Carmel Ministries, Alexandria, MN, June 14-17, 2018
Poetic Preludes for solo piano, and Professing: A Musical Monologue (text by Tracelyn Gesteland) performed by the composer and lyricist on the Diversity in the Fine Arts Faculty Series, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, Feb. 27, 2018.
Grammy-nominated South Dakota Chorale “Baltic Prayers” presented at Cathedral of St. Joseph, Sioux Falls, SD, Jan. 25, 2018; and Morningside College, Sioux City, IA, Jan. 26, 2018
South Dakota All-State Chorus principal accompanist, Tim Seelig, director, Sioux Falls, SD, October 5-6, 2017
Sounds of South Dakota, Inc. Fall Showcase artist collaborator with Alyssa Nance Toepfer and Eric Wassenaar, Sioux Falls, SD, October 6, 2017
Fairy Tale Opera in the Gym Presents “The Three Feathers” accompanist, Morningside Recreation Center, Sioux Falls, SD, July 29-30, 2017
Cantabile workshop for church musicians, accompanist for guest conductor Matthew Culloton, Mount Carmel Ministries, Alexandria, MN, June 16-18, 2017
University of Sioux Falls choral accompanist, tour to Washington, D.C. and New York City, including performance of "God's Marvel" at St. Patrick's Cathedral, March 17, 2017
Tracelyn Gesteland and Katie Pacza Faculty Voice Recital accompanist, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, February 3, 2017 and University of Nebraska, Lincoln, February 4, 2017
South Dakota Music Teachers Association State Competitions accompanist, Aberdeen, SD, November
4-5, 2016
South Dakota All-State Chorus principal accompanist, Jerry Blackstone, director, Sioux Falls, SD, October 28-29, 2016
South Dakota Chorale performance of "Songs and Sonnets", directed by Brian A. Schmidt, Sioux Falls, SD, October 8, 2016
South Dakota Chorale performance at Iowa Choral Directors Association conference, Pella, Iowa, July 26, 2016.
Fairy Tale Opera in the Park Presents "Billy Goats Gruff" accompanist, McKennan Park Bandshell, Sioux Falls, SD, June 23-24, 2016
Norwegian Singers of America National Sangerfest official accompanist, Sioux Falls, SD, June 9-11, 2016
Katie Pacza doctoral lecture-recital accompanist, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, April 23, 2016
Elementary Honor Choir of North Central Division of American Choral Directors Association, accompanist at bi-annual conference, Sioux Falls, SD, February 20, 2016